Thursday, April 12, 2007


Alrighty! Finally added Williamsburg photos to the sidebar! These all have actual titles (although some are rather nondescript)! We stopped at Fredricksburg on the way home but I didn't take any pictures. There wasn't as much to "see" there although the stone wall was sobering.

Please click on any picture in the sidebar to see it bigger and/or go to my photos page on Flickr. I believe there are a few more pics they are not showing yet, but I hope to have that resolved in a day or two.

In the mean time, here is my new favorite picture of a sheep!

Williamsburg Sheep extreme closeup

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Spring Break 07

Well, its been two days and I've taken nearly 100 pictures! I've placed Flickr badges in the sidebar grouped by places we've been so far. Click on any picture to see it bigger and get more options. Sorry there's not individual titles/explanations yet - its a little to daunting a task just now. Feel free to email or add a comment if you have any questions!

- Susan